10′ and 14′ Self-Service Two and Three Tier Refrigerated Salad / Olive / Antipasto / Appetizer Bar – In-Line Models Available with Flat Decks for Optimal Merchandising in Pans or Bowls / Platters – BILR and BILR-LP Series
The Atlantic Food Bars 2 Level BILR-LP Series Refrigerated Olive Bar is low profile, while still offering you a way to merchandise 50% MORE olives and antipasto and salad bar items in a linear footprint compared to a standard one-sided salad or olive bars. Our BILR Series 3 Level Refrigerated Olive Bar merchandises TWICE AS MUCH food as a standard one level one-sided bar. It exceeds the capacity of our 2 Level BILR-LP by 33% IN THE SAME FOOTPRINT. The vertical “waterfall” design makes for an enhanced display that attracts your shoppers’ attention and builds impulse sales. The Atlantic Food Bars air overflow refrigeration system keeps your food cold and fresh and if you order self-contained refrigeration, this is a simple plug & play – no contractor needed. It is available in lengths from 48” to 16’ long. Our “No-Visible-Means-Of-Support” Sneezeguard offers optimal visibility and convenience. This sneezeguard is made with scratch resistant tempered glass. Brilliant LED illumination on every level shows off the food and makes it visible from 100 feet away. Our built in container shelf in the body maximize merchandising space. Upgrade the base model with options such as a front extension kit for additional counter space or a salad dressing storage and display template to keep your bottles organized and neat.